As a value-driven company, we are committed to creating a better future for our colleagues, clients, and communities. Our spirit of service, innovation, and problem-solving help build a better tomorrow for our children and future generations. We focus on supporting social impact and equity, bridging the resource gap, and promoting better opportunities to strengthen our communities. Deeply committed to supporting …
Enhancing Usability Around the World
Each year the Ventera Design team hosts a World Usability Day (WUD) event promoting the values of usability, collaboration, and creating products that are simple and easy to use. WUD participants worldwide join together in a one-day series of events, across different communities to celebrate how we can make our world easy for all. Historias de Éxito: Grandes Ganadores en Casinos …
Racing to Raise Awareness
One of our largest team traditions is the annual fundraiser Spend Yourself® World Hunger 5k run/3k walk. Each year, this event provides close to 500,000 pounds of food to distribute directly to families in our local communities and to help with wells, fresh water, and farming in Haiti. Estrelas e Sorte: Uma Noite no Pin Up Casino do Brasil Você …